I have lived in Ventura since 1994 and a large percentage of my friends work/worked at Patagonia. I was always around the general vibe, feeling, foundation, call it what you will, that the earth is our only home. I love mother earth. It is why I sail. To put it in words:

WIth the wind in my sails, leaving only bubbles in my wake, I travel the earth. The dance between mother earth, sister sea and the sailor. . The wind and water, the sun and the sky, and all the life that is teaming around you. Floating along, intertwined with nature, submerged in beauty.
I went body surfing yesterday morning with my friend John after I ran into him on the beach as he was setting up for a 50th anniversary party for the Patagonia staff. I stopped by on the way back as the party was starting and got the big news about that Yvon had given it all way. Not to his kids, but to all of us. I won’t go into details, the press is full of those, but it made me think more about how I have felt for so long. Again, why I love traveling the world on my sailboat. And why I love sharing that with others.
I think two things will happen with Yvon’s move. People with real money will think about, and further Yvon’s example about the best use of that money. And the Patagonia brand will be associated in an infinitely larger way with standing up for our home, Mother Earth. And unfortunately in these times, some will see that as a threat.
Capt Scott
A good read: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44175358-some-stories#